MedSkin Solutions Dr. Suwelack Co., Ltd.
- Adresse:
- Parkside 7, 5F, 2-10-12 Kanda Tsukasa-machi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokio 101-0048
- Stadt:
- Tokio
- Bundesland/Provinz:
- Kanto
- Land:
- Japan
- Konsumgüter (Kosmetik & Körperpflege)
- Gesundheitspflege, Pharmazeutika
MedSkin Solutions Dr. Suwelack emphasizes intensive research to utilize biological modes of action for use in medical care, aesthetic care and professional skin care. By stimulating biological regeneration processes, we restore lost skin and tissue functionality. These are powerfully-acting biomechanisms that fulfill even the highest demands.
The key to our unique innovations at MedSkin Solutions Dr. Suwelack is a Combination of Biological Mechanisms which occur in nature but don’t usually act together.
Our solutions are the result of scientific research and technological leadership. The Advanced CryoSafe™ Method developed by Wolfgang Suwelack preserves and refines the natural properties of biomaterials. It also allows for both application-specific modulations and highly precise reactivation of their functionalities.
● Hauptsitz in Deutschland: MedSkin Solutions Dr. Suwelack AG (Billerbeck, Nordrhein-Westfalen)
(Feb. 2024)